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  /  Editor’s Pick   /  “Army Officer Fights Back Against Reprisal for His Capitol Riot Revelations

“Army Officer Fights Back Against Reprisal for His Capitol Riot Revelations

The events of the January 6th Capitol mob attack in Washington, DC continue to unfold. A US Army Officer has come forward claiming that he has been subject to professional reprisal for his account of the response to the insurrection. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Schliff began his military career in 2004, serving as an enlisted soldier before receiving his commission as an officer in 2015. As part of the DC National Guard, Schliff responded to the Capitol attack, which he described in a series of accounts to both US and foreign news outlets. According to Schliff, his experience has painted a different picture from what has been publicly reported. While many news stories have rightly criticized the slow response of Washington’s police force and the inadequate equipment and protection provided to those who were trying to protect the Capitol, Schliff’s reporting has suggested that the National Guard’s response was actually much more effective and decisive than commonly understood. Schliff alleges that he was immediately subjected to professional reprisal for his accounts, citing several incidents of persecution, including being passed over for promotion and being forced to step down from his staff position. He believes that these actions are in direct response to his public criticism of the government’s failure in preventing the violent attack on the Capitol. In response to the allegations, the National Guard released a statement claiming that Schliff’s documentation “does not reflect the values or mission of the National Guard”. They further stated that his story has been investigated thoroughly and his actual concerns were addressed. The US military has traditionally held service members accountable for their statements to the public, and Schliff’s claims of persecution provide an important reminder of the importance of freedom of speech for members of the armed services. In light of these allegations, it will be interesting to see if the Defense Department takes any action to protect service members from being unduly punished for speaking out. Regardless of the outcome, Schliff’s story has certainly put a spotlight on the need for fair treatment and respect within the military.