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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Florida on Friday for a meeting with former president Donald Trump at a time of political tension between their countries and personal tension between the two men, who were once close allies. The pair

Former president Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama endorsed Vice President Harris for president on Friday, becoming the final key leaders in the Democratic Party to unite behind Harris after President Biden abandoned his bid for a second term. A

Vice President Harris is in a two-week sprint to lock in a running mate after President Biden’s stunning decision to end his reelection campaign, a search that suddenly elevates the potential political assets — and vulnerabilities — of the Democratic

When then-Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) called Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) in January 2019 to tell her she planned to run for president, the veteran Florida lawmaker with a penchant for festive headgear started screaming with excitement before Harris

While Donald Trump’s agenda and a massive think tank document clearly indicate his second-term strategy for federal workers, nothing captures those plans as succinctly as a statement made by his running mate. If Sen. JD Vance (Ohio), the Republican vice-presidential nominee,

A federal judge in Florida threw out a bankruptcy case filed by the Gateway Pundit, ruling that the site, which is known for spreading conspiracy theories, sought bankruptcy protection in “bad faith” to avoid having to pay potential damages in

The Kamala Harris ad blitz has launched. Future Forward, the largest Democratic-leaning super PAC, will spend $50 million on advertising in six states over the next three weeks to introduce the vice president and boost her candidacy before the Democratic nominating