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  /  Editor’s Pick   /  “Dueling Town Halls Deliver Crucial Takeaways: Catch Up on Haley and DeSantis!

“Dueling Town Halls Deliver Crucial Takeaways: Catch Up on Haley and DeSantis!

Last night, Democrats had an opportunity to witness their presidential nominee (Joe Biden) and his running mate (Kamala Harris) come together for a nationally televised Town Hall event on ABC. On the other side of the aisle, Republicans received the same chance to view their party’s nominees, Donald Trump and Mike Pence, in a similar Town Hall event aired on NBC. While the Biden/Harris Town Hall featured a discussion around their policy proposals and standing on issues such as healthcare and immigration, the Trump/Pence Town Hall centered around the two key figures in the national election: respective governors of Florida, Ron DeSantis and South Carolina’s Nikki Haley. The live dueling Town Hall events displayed the main differences between the two sides and allowed viewers to get an in-depth look into how each candidate is different. Here are 5 takeaways from how DeSantis and Haley answered their questions on national television. 1. They’re Demographic Diverse: During the GETV Town Hall, both gubernatorial candidates emphasized their distinct backgrounds, DeSantis being a male of Cuban ancestry and Haley being a female of Sikh ancestry. This extensive degree of diversity — along with over 20 years of political experience between them — could be advantageous for the Republican Party heading into the 2020 Election. 2. They Support Trump’s Re-Election: Both DeSantis and Haley are vocal advocates for President Donald Trump’s re-election and expressed confidence in his ability to run for a second term. DeSantis highlighted the economic gains the country has seen since Trump took office, while Haley praised the president’s handling of foreign relations. 3. They’re Not Afraid to Take on Big Issues: Both gubernatorial candidates tackled big issues, such as healthcare and immigration, on air. When asked directly about the Affordable Care Act, DeSantis stated he supported a system of “shared responsibility” among states and the federal government. Haley voiced her support for both Republicans and Democrats with immigration policies, advocating for increased border security but also a path to citizenship for “Dreamers” and individuals with temporary protected status. 4. They Embrace Traditionalism: Both DeSantis and Haley view social issues within the confines of traditional values and morality. They discussed traditonal issues such as allocating more resources to faith-based organizations and strengthening religious freedoms. 5. They Have Opposing Views on Guns: The Town Hall also covered the topic of gun control, which both DeSantis and Haley had very different takes on. DeSantis supports looser gun laws while Haley favors stronger regulations, including raising the legal age to purchase guns in South Carolina from 18 to 21. The televised Town Hall was incredibly informative for viewers, as the differences between DeSantis and Haley were on full display. It was clear that both want to make the Republican Party attractive to a variety of demographics while still sticking to their core values. It appears, however, that the party currently lacks consensus on issues such as gun control, which may continue to prevent both sides from finding common ground in the upcoming election.