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“Haley Finally Acknowledges Civil War Was ‘About Slavery’–Amidst Uproar

For centuries, the Civil War has been seen as a landmark event in American history. It has also been a topic of debate, especially concerning why the war was fought in the first place. In recent times the debate seems to have been reignited, with former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley addressing the issue in an interview this week. In the interview, Haley addressed criticism after she initially denied that the Civil War was about slavery. Haley acknowledged that slavery was a cause of the Civil War, saying “whether we like it or not, it is part of our history.” She also emphasized the importance of learning from the past so that history does not repeat itself. This acknowledgement by Haley has been praised by many. President Donald Trump himself praised her for her “thoughtful and intelligent” response, commending her on acknowledging the “cruel facts of our history.” Civil rights activists have also applauded Haley’s remarks, noting that it shows the importance of education when it comes to understanding what our country was built on. Haley’s comments come after a wave of criticism from both sides of the aisle concerning the depiction of the Civil War in popular culture and entertainment. Several states have passed laws recently that either ban the use of Confederate symbols or require that the context and history of said symbols be taught in schools. By acknowledging that the Civil War was indeed fought over slavery, it further reinforces this need for education. The debate over the causes of the Civil War is one that has been ongoing for centuries. But with Haley’s acknowledgment of the role slavery played in the conflict, it’s clear that more education and understanding around the issue is needed to ensure that such a conflict never occurs again.