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“Divisions in Trump’s Circle Revealed by Election Report Promotion

The recent promotion of a debunked report on widespread election fraud and irregularities, released by former Trump allies, has demonstrated the extent of division within President Donald Trump’s inner circle of advisors. The 48-page document, titled “The Immaculate Deception: Evidence of Election Fraud,” was released by the group founded by former National Security Adviser John Bolton. It claimed evidence of widespread irregularities in the November 3rd election, based on stories of voter fraud and voting machines that were allegedly programmed to switch votes from Democrat Joe Biden to the Republican incumbent. However, the document has since been proven to contain a number of factual and mathematical errors, such as inverted graphs, miscalculated numbers, and incorrectly attributed quotes. This is perhaps unsurprising, as the article was edited by multiple members of the Trump circle, and was not independently peer-reviewed or fact-checked. Despite this, the report has been promoted by President Trump himself, including a tweet containing a link to the article as well as a reaction by the President that read, “If you want to know the truth about the 2020 Election, read the report!” While Trump’s tweets have since been removed and his own advisers have discredited the document’s factual basis, the incident has served to highlight the growing tensions within his inner circle. White House advisors Jared Kushner and Mike Pence have both distanced themselves from the report, with Pence’s spokesman stating, “The vice president has publicly said the election was not stolen. The report is wrong.” A senior adviser to Kushner described the promotion of the document as “irresponsible.” The differences between the two sides of the argument on election fraud reflect a bigger divide in Trump’s inner circle. While many of his closest advisors, such as former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, have pushed for Trump to continue to contest the election outcome, others have urged him to accept the results and move on. The incident has shed light on how the divisions between Trump’s inner circle can lead him to make decisions that are not based on facts. In this case, it is hoped that Trump will move away from endorsing the debunked report and focus instead on ensuring the accuracy of all future elections.