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  /  Politic   /  Conservatives Fume: Trump ‘Idiotic’ for Attacking Chip Roy and Pushing for a Primary Challenge

Conservatives Fume: Trump ‘Idiotic’ for Attacking Chip Roy and Pushing for a Primary Challenge

It seems that not even President Trump is immune to dyed-in-the-wool conservatives’ ire. In a rare show of disagreement with the president, conservatives rebuked him following his recent attack on Texas Congressman Chip Roy. The president had emotional words of criticism for Rep. Roy and accused him of putting a “stumbling block” in the way of passing important legislation, specifically a disaster aid package. Conservatives resoundingly declared the president’s statements to be “unhelpful” and “tacky”. In light of these events, some prominent conservatives are now calling for Rep. Roy to be given a primary challenge by a fellow conservative. In addition, conservatives have urged the president to exercise more restraint in his language when it comes to members of his own party. Organizations like the conservative Club for Growth have warned that President Trump’s attacks could have serious consequences for the party on a larger scale. The group even urged the president to rethink his words, saying “Politicians and political organizations should not tear each other down – they owe it to the voters to advance a biblically based, limited government, low tax, pro-growth conservative agenda.” But it doesn’t appear that the president has been deterred by the criticism he’s received from conservatives. On the contrary, President Trump has seemed to double-down on his attack on Rep. Roy’s decision to vote against the disaster bill. Even so, the president could be making a huge mistake by ignoring the advice of his party’s most vocal supporters. As one conservative commentator put it, “If the President wants to get things done in Congress, he should give serious consideration to the advice of those who are closer to the ground than he is.” It’s clear that President Trump has rankled many in his own party by going after Rep. Roy. It remains to be seen if the White House will take the advice of its most loyal supporters and reconsider its approach to this issue. Failure to do so could prove disastrous for the President and his party in the long run.