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Donald Trump Banned from Colorado’s 2024 Primary Ballot – SCOTUS Rules!

The state of Colorado took a hard-line stance against former President Donald Trump on Tuesday when the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that he is banned from the state’s 2024 primary ballot. Trump has been at the center of immense controversy since his abrupt departure from the presidency in January. Many have accused him of inciting a deadly attack on the Capitol earlier this year and multiple states have taken action against him to varying extents. Colorado is the latest state to take a stand against the former president, though the measure is much less extreme than some others. On Tuesday, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump is barred from participating in the state’s 2024 Republican primary ballot and that he will not be able to appear as a presidential candidate in the state’s 2024 general election. The 6-1 decision was made in response to a lower court ruling last month which allowed the Colorado Secretary of State to proceed with excluding Trump from the ballot if he failed to comply with a state election requirement. The only dissenting vote on the Colorado Supreme Court was Justice Monica Marquez, who argued that the state lacked the authority to remove the former president from the ballot. Despite her dissent however, the court’s ruling was upheld. It remains to be seen how this ruling will impact future elections in Colorado and the nation as a whole. Even though Trump will not be eligible to appear on Colorado’s ballots in 2024, he could still be chosen as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. Additionally, it is unclear how the ruling will be received across the country as it touches on some contentious issues surrounding Trump’s controversial presidency. The Colorado Supreme Court ruling is a significant development in the ongoing saga surrounding the former president, demonstrating the state’s commitment to protecting the integrity of the election process and ensuring fair and open national elections.