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  /  Economy   /  “U.S. Engine Maker Facing a Roomful of Trouble: Biggest Clean Air Act Penalty Ever for Emissions Test Cheating!

“U.S. Engine Maker Facing a Roomful of Trouble: Biggest Clean Air Act Penalty Ever for Emissions Test Cheating!

It appears that one of the largest engine makers in the United States is now facing the biggest penalty in the history of the Clean Air Act. The U.S. Department of Justice has leveled charges against Cummins Inc — a leading manufacturer of diesel engines used in vehicles around the world — for allegedly providing false information about its emissions-testing procedures and violating environmental laws. The accusations stem from a two-year investigation that focused on Cummins’ behavior when it came to evading air pollution regulations and clean air laws in the United States. According to the DOJ, the company allegedly utilized cheat devices and other manipulations to test its products, resulting in emission levels that far exceeded legal limits. If found guilty, Cummins could be be facing fines totaling over $1 billion, with an additional $900 million payment in civil penalties. The company is currently facing three potential violation charges, including charges related to the Clean Air Act, The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and the Federal Clean Water Act. In a statement to the press, the Justice Department noted how this case is especially significant and carries the “largest penalty ever imposed under the Clean Air Act”. Cummins has since responded to the charges, reassuring its customers that they are in the process of restoring their compliance. Company reps also noted that they have since implemented several new procedures, enhanced internal controls, and well as modernized testing protocols. At this point, the case is still moving through the judicial system. It will be interesting to follow the outcome, as it could have very important implications for other companies that are also involved in similar practices of emissions cheating. In the end, the whole episode serves to remind the public of the importance of upholding the high standards set by air pollution laws in the United States.