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“Pro-Life Pioneer Sees Triumphs Ahead Despite Recent Abortion Expansion

Pro-Life Leader Anticipates Major Victories Despite Recent Ballot Initiatives Expanding Abortion Access The recent ballot initiatives expanding abortion access in a number of states, including Colorado, Maine, and New York, have come as a blow to the pro-life movement. Despite the setback, many pro-life leaders remain determined to fight for what they believe in with optimism and hope. Casey Lowe, the founder of Amplify Pro-Life, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating people about the fight against abortion, is one such leader who is anticipating major pro-life victories in the future. Lowe believes it’s time for the pro-life movement to look ahead. “We still see areas of the country where we can make progress,” Lowe said. “There’s a lot of progress that has been made, even as recently as this election cycle. There were states where pro-life ballot initiatives won (both Republican and Democrat-run states). So, despite the setbacks, I think we need to take encouragement and remain hopeful for the cause of the unborn.” The pro-life movement, while not as visible on the national stage, is still making progress on the state level. Lowe noted that a number of states have passed laws to protect unborn children, such as banning abortions based on race, sex, or disability, and various other pro-life measures. Lowe further noted that the pro-life movement is becoming more organized and is gaining traction among young people. He said that young people are particularly interested in conversation about abortion. “My generation is using technology, media, and social media to get their message out, and I think that’s very valuable,” Lowe said. Lowe is confident that despite the recent ballot initiatives, the pro-life movement will continue to make progress in the years to come. He encourages those in the pro-life movement to remain dedicated to making a difference and to continue to fight for the rights of the unborn. “Ultimately, this is going to take more than just one or two lawmakers, or one or two organizations,” Lowe said. “It’s going to take a collective effort from all of us to get laws passed, and to continue to stay engaged in the conversation about the sanctity of life.”