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“AI Trickery Exposed: Michael Cohen Accused of Using Generated Fakes in Legal Motion

It has recently come to light that Robert Michael Cohen, former personal attorney to President Trump, has admitted to inadvertently citing fake legal cases generated by AI in a legal motion he prepared for a client. Mr. Cohen has apologized for the mistake, saying he was not aware the cases were generated by AI and accepted them in good faith. It is not uncommon for attorneys to draw upon existing legal precedent in order to build arguments in support of their case. However, the reliance on artificial intelligence (AI) to do that instead of human legal scholars raises serious questions about the credibility of the sources and the quality of legal advice being given. In this case, Mr. Cohen relied on an AI-generated source, which had been programmed to scroll through thousands of case records in order to build a legal argument. Unfortunately, rather than provide an authoritative, credible source, the AI instead produced numerous fake cases. Mr. Cohen claims he was unaware of these cases being generated by AI and accepted them in good faith. The incident also raises concerns regarding the potential use of AI in legal proceedings. AI is increasingly becoming a popular tool in the legal field, as it can offer assistance with processing large amounts of data and creating legal documents. However, the recent incident demonstrates that AI can be potentially unreliable and require further scrutiny before acceptance in legal proceedings. It is clear that AI is increasingly becoming an important tool in the legal world. However, caution should be taken and questions asked before AI-generated content is accepted in legal proceedings. We should also be aware of the potential risks associated with AI, and make sure we are relying on accurate and reliable sources when using AI in legal cases.