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Running for Re-Election in 2024? Biden’s Underwater: Polling Woes and the Battle Ahead!

It’s no secret that President Joe Biden has some major polling issues as he begins to consider his re-election bid in 2024. After a contentious first two years in office, a new poll released by Quinnipiac University this week shows that Biden’s approval rating stands at just 44 percent, with 52 percent of registered voters disapproving of the president’s job performance. These numbers are a significant drop from Biden’s personal best in his first months leading the White House—at the beginning of his presidency in February 2021, Biden’s approval rating stood at an impressive 57 percent. The drop in Biden’s approval rating is not due to any specific policy initiative, either; rather, the decline seems to reflect a general dissatisfaction with the president, stemming from a variety of unfortunate circumstances. Among these issues are the pandemic, the economic downturn, and a lack of progress on key issues including immigration reform, climate change, and gun control. At the same time, there is increasing public dissatisfaction with the Republican Party, and Biden’s opponents in 2024 are unlikely to be the same as those he faced in 2020. This could be a major benefit for Biden if he appears to be a reasonable alternative to a Republican candidate who appears untrustworthy or extreme. In the short term, the president’s team will undoubtedly focus on messaging and policy initiatives that show his commitment to the issues that he campaigned on in 2020, such as making sure that Americans have access to quality healthcare and strengthening their economic security. As the race for the 2024 presidential election begins to gain momentum, the Biden team will also likely focus on driving the positive aspects of the Biden presidency, such as his successful vaccination program and his domestic and foreign policy successes. Despite Biden’s lagging approval rating, he is still in a strong position for re-election in 2024. It is too early to tell for certain, but the president has the potential to regain the support that was evident in his first couple of months in office and lead his party to victory.