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“Lululemon Founder Disses ‘Diversity and Inclusion’: Get the Scoop!

Lululemon Founder Slams Company’s Whole Diversity and Inclusion Thing The founder of popular athleisure apparel retailer Lululemon has recently become the latest to voice disapproval with the company’s “whole diversity and inclusion thing.” In a rather pointed interview with the New York Post, Chip Wilson accused the company of focusing too much on social activism, instead of the products it offers. Wilson was brought on as an advisor to Lululemon in November of 2016 after the scandal of 2015, where co-founder Chip Wilson faced public criticism for making comments about plus-size women and the company’s pants. After being part of the company’s rebranding, Wilson now believes Lululemon has gone “too far.” In the interview, Wilson questioned the company’s mission to promote a mission of inclusion through their social media accounts and other activities. Wilson believes the company should stick to promoting their actual products, not social messages that “don’t mean anything.” Wilson also argued that it’s the product that makes people loyal customers, not a message about inclusion. He suggested that the company should focus more on creating apparel that reflects the trends and wants of its customers, rather than pushing a message of inclusion. Wilson’s comments come at a time when the company has been working to improve its diversity within its ranks. The company is going to increase its percentage of minority workers from 12 percent to 18 percent by 2025, and its board of directors is now majority female. While it may not be the popular opinion, Wilson’s remarks are not without some merit. A company should prioritize its products over any message it may want to send, and there’s a real risk that Lululemon may be putting too much emphasis on messages that may not serve its core business. No matter one’s opinion on Wilson’s remarks, the bottom line is that companies should focus less on what they say and more on what they accomplish. As long as customers continues to trust Lululemon’s commitment to quality and innovation, the company should enjoy a sustainable future.