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  /  Editor’s Pick   /  “Trump Taunts Biden: ‘Is That a Stutter?!’

“Trump Taunts Biden: ‘Is That a Stutter?!’

As the presidential race gets closer, the ongoing battle between the two major participants Joe Biden and Donald Trump has only intensified. In a recent attack on the Democrat candidate, the current president mocked Joe Biden at a campaign rally in Wisconsin for stuttering—a medical condition. The event in Wisconsin was part of Trump’s ongoing re-election campaign. Despite his lagging ratings, the president took the opportunity to launch a personal attack on his opponent. He addressed Biden as “Joe ‘Stuttering’ Biden” and remarked that he had “a lot of stuttering going on.” He also questioned Biden’s qualifications, in comparison to his own, to run for president. The incident sparked outrage among Biden’s supporters and those in the disability community. People posted on social media to express their anger and disappointment, using the hashtags #BidenStutter and #StopTheStigma. The Biden Campaign also released a statement, saying that it was “unfortunate” for the president to mock someone for a disability that has been a part of the former Vice President’s life since childhood. The incident has highlighted the need to control insensitive and malicious actions by people in power. The onus lies on Trump to improve his behavior and cease from making derogatory remarks about another person. The fact that a large number of people K-12 are affected by stuttering, this episode only serves to perpetuate stigma and negative associations with the disability. The mocking of disabilities is damaging and is not something that should be taken lightly by anyone, especially the leader of the free world. It is important to remember that such prejudices and stereotypes should not be transferred from the President to the rest of the country, and that there should be zero tolerance for any kind of discrimination in the political arena.