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“Hunter Shakes Hands with Biden, Scorning Congress!

The media frenzy continued this week as Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, defied a Congressional subpoena and went shopping with Joe Biden in Washington, DC instead. The dramatic move by Hunter garnered much attention as details of the subpoena first came to light. The Senate has been investigating claims of possible influence peddling by Hunter, especially his foreign financial dealings and the potential impact they may have on Joe Biden’s possible presidential bid. The subpoena was intended to gain insights into actions taken by Hunter when he held important positions within companies owned or run by his father, as well as any contacts that he may have had with foreign officials or businesses. Hunter chose to ignore the subpoena and received strong criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike for his refusal to comply with the order from Congress. This intransigence forced the Senate to take the drastic action of issuing a rare contempt citation, carrying with it the potential of criminal prosecution for Hunter. The same day the subpoena was issued, however, Hunter and Joe Biden were spotted shopping in a Washington, DC store. The perceived message of the event was divided, with some seeing it as a sign of Hunter’s courage and commitment to his father, while others criticized Hunter for ignoring Congress and choosing to spend his time with his father instead. Whatever the interpretation, the news of Hunter and Joe Biden’s shopping trip spread quickly and seemed to be a stark contrast to the subpoena and contempt citation issued against Hunter. Regardless of the reasons for the shopping trip, the effect of the news and the questions that have followed have inevitably further complicated the already complex landscape in regards to the situation with Hunter Biden. Only time will tell what the outcome may be.