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“Trump is Soaring Among Young Voters: Fox News Poll

Fox News Poll Shows President Trump Dominating Joe Biden Among Younger Voters The latest Fox News poll is showing that President Donald Trump is dominating the 2020 election among young voters. The poll shows that Trump leads Joe Biden among those aged 18-29 by a margin of 51 percent to 40 percent. This showing is an impressive 13-point lead for the President and indicates that he is faring much better than many experts had anticipated. This is especially interesting considering that this age demographic has traditionally leaned more Democrat than Republican in presidential elections in recent years. Trump has defied the odds in this regard and is showing that even with his controversial and often polarizing rhetoric, young Americans are more willing to give him their support in 2020 than in previous races. The poll also revealed other surprising statistics regarding the President’s support among the younger demographic. For example, 72 percent of those surveyed thought the economy was “good” or “very good” compared to only 28 percent who felt the opposite. Similarly, 73 percent of those polled approved of Trump’s handling of the economy, while just 27 percent did not. This result is significant, as it runs counter to the narrative that young people are overwhelmingly opposed to the President’s economic policies. It appears that many younger Americans are more aware of his accomplishments in this area than some may have thought. The polls also showed that a large percentage of younger Americans disapprove of the President’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. 62 percent of those surveyed disapproved of Trump’s management of the crisis, while only 38 percent approved. This is not unexpected as the President has been heavily criticized for his response to the pandemic. Despite this disapproval, it appears that many young people are still willing to side with him over his rival Joe Biden in the upcoming election. In summary, the latest Fox News poll has revealed that President Trump is still maintaining a significant lead over Joe Biden among younger voters. This is a surprising statistic, given the tendency of this demographic to lean more Democrat. The poll also revealed that young people are more satisfied with the President’s economic policies than many had thought, and that while they disapprove of his handling of the pandemic, they are still more likely to support him over Biden.