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“Trump Dominates, Haley & DeSantis Battle for Second in 2024 GOP Primary Poll

The latest poll on the 2024 Republican presidential primary race has revealed a surprising but decisive leader: President Donald Trump. With a massive nine-percentage-point lead over his nearest competitor, the survey asked voters whom they would choose when it comes to the next potential Republican presidential nominee in 2024. Coming in second, with a tie to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, is former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. Haley is well-known for her history of bipartisanship and outreach across party lines, an attribute which may have helped propel her to the top of the poll. Following Haley and DeSantis in the poll are current Vice President Mike Pence, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, and current White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Pence has long been considered a possible contender for the GOP nomination in 2024, especially considering his close ties to Trump, while Noem has a rising profile in the party for her hard-line conservative views. McEnany is a more surprising figure to appear near the top of the poll. She was only recently named Trump’s press secretary earlier this year, yet her steadfast defense of the President has clearly gained her favor among Republican voters. Ranked fifth in the poll was former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who also served as a House Representative for North Carolina until January of this year. While Meadows is not as well-known as the other four candidates, he is reportedly well-liked among the Trump administration. The survey of likely Republican voters indicates that Trump still maintains considerable support among his base. Whether that support will remain through 2024 when the vote on the party’s nomination takes place is yet to be seen. While Haley and DeSantis have demonstrated their ability to appeal to different factions of the Republican party, Trump’s formidable lead in the poll implies that he may be a tough opponent to beat. The next step for the other potential candidates will be to find a way to unite and gain enough backing to move up in the rankings.