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House GOP Raids on Biden: Uncovering a ‘Scheme’ & a Potential ‘Impeachable Offense’?

The United States House of Representatives is investigating whether President Joe Biden himself was involved in his son Hunter’s attempts to evade a federal subpoena. This could become a potential Impeachable Offense. The subpoena was issued to Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company where Hunter was a board member, as part of a Senate inquiry into President Trump’s claims that Hunter Biden had received millions of dollars from Ukraine’s government. Hunter Biden refused to comply and sought advice from the Obama administration on how to resist the subpoena. According to a report in The New York Times, House Republicans are now investigating if President Biden was involved in devising a plan of obstruction for Hunter Biden. During President Obama’s time in office, a few months prior to the Burisma subpoena, Hunter Biden had been a part of an unsuccessful White House effort to limit the reach of congressional oversight. The New York Times report states that this included discussions on helping the Biden family avoid responding to a potential subpoena from a congressional panel. The House Republicans are questioning if President Biden was involved in the discussions regarding Hunter Biden’s refusal to comply with the subpoena even though the White House is insisting that the President was not involved. A spokesperson for the White House described the House investigation as a “conspiracy theory” and reiterated that President Biden was not involved in Hunter’s decision to defy the subpoena. This investigation is yet another front in the ongoing battle between House Republicans and the White House. The House Republicans are looking for evidence of possible wrongdoing, while the White House is adamant that there was no wrongdoing. If evidence emerges that President Biden was directly involved in Hunter’s refusal to comply with the subpoena, it could open the door to a potential Impeachable Offense. President Biden has been accused of using the influence of the office to help Hunter Biden gain financial benefit. It’s too early to tell where this investigation will lead, but it’s clear that the House Republicans are taking it very seriously. All eyes will be on the White House as the scandal continues to unfold.